Monday, March 23, 2020

It's a Nose! It's a Plane! It's Just a Plane Nose...

Work is coming right along. Almost ready for another money transfusion - for parts. Next up is probably the lower center wing section. Aircraft Spruce is the only place I can find the spar tubes in the thickness specified in the plans.

The figure-8 stainless steel tangs are a bit harder to come by than I'd imagined. Lockwood Aviation Supply has them though at about $2 a throw.

Lessons learned?
  1. Well, a good quality pipe cutter is much quicker than using a band saw, then grinding the end square.
  2. Wearing gloves during ScotchBrite cleaning is a must.
  3. Installing hardwood vise jaw inserts should be done as soon as possible.
  4. Threaded rod with two locking nuts to serve as a head make excellent temporary bolts when you've forgotten to order enough.
  5. Vacuuming up the aluminum shavings from the previous work session makes for a good warm up at the beginning of a new session.
Control stick with some temporary nuts

Chair mounting coming up

Shear plate for the front wheel struts

Seat back removed while fitting seat mount with temporary hardware (threaded rod with two nuts for the head)

Seat bracing in place. Time to sit down and pretend

Parachute mounting frame just about complete - minus the plywood piece.
Seat attachment detail

Keeping rudder pedals in place to prevent tube damage

Stick restraint - plastic tie wrap.

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